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Important note about your records; Please note all admitted and registered CCNY students are assigned a CCNY e-mail address. The email address is:

E-mail Correspondence Policy

Every student is required to activate his or her CCNY email account upon enrollment. Instructions are posted on the CCNY website: For problems with an assigned CCNY email account, the student should contact the Office of Information Technology (OIT) Service Desk at 212-650-7878 or e-mail

If a student’s email address is changed, the student must notify the Office of Academic Records/Registrar by emailing or in person, in Room H10 of the Harris Building (telephone: 650- 7156/7160) so that the school records can be updated.

Email is an official means for communication within the CCNY and Medical School community - faculty, staff and matriculated students. It is expected that email communications will be read and responded to in a timely fashion. When a response is requested, failure to respond to email in a timely fashion is considered an act of unprofessional behavior.