M3 Clerkship Lottery Policy
1. Lottery
The M3 clinical clerkship lottery takes place in the early spring of the M2 year. Students rank their preferences for the order and sites they wish to do their six core clerkships.
2. Lottery Oversight
The Associate Dean for Clinical Medical Education oversees the clerkship lottery. After students receive their lottery results, students who wish to seek alternatives employ one of two primary mechanisms: either 1) switching sites with other students or 2) requesting a change through the administrative mechanism.
3. Post-lottery Changes of Site
After students receive their lottery results, they have a one-week period in which they can switch sites with their classmates. Both students must complete the clerkship change redcap survey and notify Ms Alston, clerkship_admin@med.cuny.edu. The switch must be completed during this open period, and student switches cannot be done once clerkships begin.
4. Administrative Mechanisms
Students can request a site reassignment before or during an assigned clerkship for a compelling reason. The student must submit a clearly-articulated request to the Associate Dean for Student Affairs regarding his or her rationale for seeking a change.
Before the Clerkship Begins and after the lottery switch period has ended.
If the request for a site change is made before the clerkship begins, the student must make the request in writing to the Associate Dean for Student Affairs and Ms Alston at clerkship_admin@med.cuny.edu. If the request is found to be appropriate, the team will work to find an alternative site. If the request is not approved, the situation will be discussed with the Associate Dean for Students Affairs and the Associate Dean for Clinical Medical Education. The student will be notified in writing of the decision.
After the Clerkship Begins
The student must request in writing to the Associate Dean for Student Affairs and Ms Alston malston@med.cuny.edu. The Associate Dean for Student Affairs together with the Associate Dean for Clinical Medical Education will determine the request’s appropriateness. If they find the request compelling, they will work to find an alternative site. If the reason is not compelling, the student may appeal to the Associate Dean for Students Affairs and the Deputy Dean for Medical Education. The result of the appeal will be final.
Criteria Used
Students must have a compelling reason to make a change. Before the clerkship begins, compelling reasons include major life events, health, disability or conscientious objections. After the clerkship begins, compelling reasons include any of the former reasons or concerns about team dynamics or the learning environment. Each request is decided individually.
Individuals tasked with making the decision include the Medical Student Advisors in the Office of Student Affairs, and, at times, the Associate Dean for Clinical Medical Education. Requests that are initially disallowed may be adjudicated by the Associate Dean for Student Affairs and the Deputy Dean for Medical Education.