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Grades Awarded in MD Program Courses

Grades in the MD program courses are awarded using the following Grading System:




M1 - M2

P Pass

Successful completion of all course requirements.

F Fail

Failure to meet all course requirements.

C/R Conditional Repeat

Failed the shelf exam, declined reassessment, and repeated the course.

M3 - M4

H Honors

Outstanding performance in the subject area, far exceeding clerkship requirements.

HP High Pass

For performance significantly above expectations, up to the top 40% of students, but not qualifying for honors.

P Pass

Successful completion of all clerkship/elective requirements. Students who pass the clerkship shelf exam on the second attempt will receive the grade of Pass with the clarification in the MSPE about passing the exam on the second attempt

F Fail

Failure to meet all clerkship requirements.


U/ Unsatisfactory

Did not meet expectations in one or more competencies.

U/P Unsatisfactory/Pass

Did not meet expectations in competency and successfully remediated.

U/F Unsatisfactory/Fail

Did not meet expectations in competency and failed the remediation.

C/ Conditional

Passed the course/clerkship elements, but failed the initial attempt of the NBME subject exam.

C/F Conditional/Fail

Failed the Second attempt of the NBME subject exam; Failed the course/clerkship.

C/P Conditional/Pass

Conditional/Pass Successfully passed NBME on second attempt. Did not meet expectation in competency and successfully remediated course.

INC Incomplete

The course/clerkship requirements have not been completed. A grade of INC will be replaced by the final grade when the student completes the course/clerkship requirements.

Y Year-long course

Year or longer course of study; must continue to completion.

W Withdrawal

**Student participated in an academically related activity at least once and is dropped from the course(s).

WN Never Attended

**Never participated in an academically related activity.

WD Withdrew Drop

**Dropped after FA cert date during the program adjustment period. Student participated in an academically related activity at least once.

FIN F from INC

An administrative grade used when INC reverts to F; this occurs if course work is not completed before deadline.

*Note: Electives, End of M3 Clerkship Clinical Skills Assessment, Clerkship orientation, Clerkship intersession and the Neurology Clerkship will be graded P/F

*Withdrawal Grades (W, WN, WD Grades) may have financial implications.