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Exam Policy

Students, at all times, are expected to refrain from behavior that compromises an exam as an instrument of a fair evaluation for every class member. Students may not engage in conduct which impairs the ability of fellow students to complete the exam without disturbance. Students may not use any reference source, including other persons or material recorded in any form, or any data retrieval devices while the exam is in progress. Students must adhere to the Honor Code. It is imperative that students respect and follow the direction of the proctors. Failure to do so is grounds for professional citation and dismissal.

Exam Participation Guidelines

• Be sure to have a photo ID (CUNY preferred)

• Know your EMPLID and CCNY credentials

• Arrive 30 mins prior to start time of exam

• Exam doors close 15 mins prior to start time

• You will NOT be permitted to enter the exam space if you arrive less than 15 mins prior to the exam start time

• You are advised to use the restroom prior to entering the exam space.

Exam Behavior:

Each student is expected to be seated in place for the announced exam start time. Students who are more than 15 minutes late from the stated exam start time will not be admitted. Course directors are not empowered to change the exam start time and should not be called to allow students to start NBME examinations later than 15 minutes. CUNY SOM has adopted the NBME testing regulations for all exams. Proctors must document and report any violation of the NBME regulations.

Makeup examinations will not be offered to students for unexcused lateness. It is the student’s responsibility to be on time for examinations. Unexcused lateness if any lateness that occurs other than from emergency public transportation delays, such as police action or medical emergencies. Students are strongly advised to sign up for MTA apps that provide notification for public transportation delays.

Lateness to exams

It is essential that you report for your exam on time. Lateness is considered ≥15 minutes late from the arrival time that is required per email communication from the Office of Course Administration. Below are the listed outcomes based on arriving late to an exam.

Late to one exam:
·       15% off exam score
·       Professionalism form

Late to second exam
·        15% off exam score and lose exam time based on when they come in.
·       2nd Professionalism form.
·       Associate Dean of Student Affairs meets with student.

 Late to third exam
·       15% off exam score.
·       3rd Professionalism form
·       Student is put on monitored probationary status and may be referred to SAPC.

M1 and M2
Late to one exam:
·        Student must take exam on reassessment day.
·        Professionalism form

 Late to second exam:
·        Student must take exam on reassessment day.
·        Professionalism Form.
·         Associate Dean for Student Affairs meets with the student

 Late to 3rd exam:
·        Student must take exam on reassessment day.
·        Professionalism form.
·        Student is put on monitored probationary status and may be referred to SAPC.


Late to one exam:
·      Student must take exam on reassessment day.
·      Professionalism form

Late to second exam:
·      Professionalism form.
·      Note is put in narrative that says: Student was late to shelf exam.
·      Student is put on monitored probationary status and may be referred to SAPC.

 Late to 3rd exam:
·      Student is put on professionalism probation.
·      Student may be referred to SAPC

Exam Integrity

Trained proctors are present to monitor the exam experience and report irregularities.

• Prolonged or frequent Bathroom and Water breaks

• Conversing with other examinees during the exam period

• Viewing another examinees computer screen or testing materials

• Accessing unauthorized items during the exam period

• Experiencing software or hardware issues

Exam Security

You are not allowed to:

• Obtain test content before, during, or after an exam.

• Take photos, secure notes, or share exam content in any form.

• Take an exam for someone else.

The following items must be left in the area designated by the course director:

● iPads/tablets turned off;

● Cell phones turned off;

● Paging devices turned off

● iPod, radio or media devices turned off;

● Calculators;

● Recording/filming devices;

● Beverages or food of any type;

● Reference materials (books, notes, papers);

● Watches with alarms, computer, or memory capability turned off;

● Backpacks, briefcases, or luggage;

● Coats, hats and head coverings (other than those worn for religious reasons).

Students will not be permitted to enter the test seat with prohibited items.

In the event of computer malfunction or any circumstance under which a student is unable to continue with an exam due to testing site issues, the timing on the exam stops until the problem is resolved. Proctors remain on site until all students have finished their exams.

Students should recognize that NBME can and will evaluate any claim of test irregularities or computer malfunction. The NBME report is taken as the final proof as to whether any testing or computer issues occurred during the examination.

Students may not leave the exam room for any purpose other than to use the rest room. No personal or test related material may be left or used in any school rest room during the examination. Each student will be provided with an exam answer sheet on which they may record their answer choices. These answer sheets will be distributed during the Exam Review Session and will be collected at the end of the test and; students will not be allowed to use other than the provided scratch sheet(s). Upon completion of the exam, all scratch paper sheets must be turned in to a proctor. Students are not allowed to remove any notes taken during the exam from the exam room.

Exam Attendance and Illness:

Students may not take an exam when sick. Make-up examinations may not be offered to students who report an illness during or after completing the exam. Students who are not well on the date of an exam must notify the Course Director and Student affairs will determine if an absence is excused or unexcused.

Please note that Course Directors cannot excuse an absence. Absence from courses is discouraged and should be avoided whenever possible. Absence from any required course activity must be reported.

Student’s requiring exam accommodations.

  1. Students taking exams in the Accessibility center must arrive 15 mins prior to the start of the exam.

  2. Student are not allowed to participate if they arrive after the exam start time.

    1. For exams starting at 9:00AM, students will NOT be permitted to participate if they arrive after 9:15AM.

  3. Course leaders are not authorized to assist with the student’s “exam” experience

  4. Students must use testing laptops provided by the Med school.

Please note that these policies to not apply to quizzes.