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Academic Due Process Notification of Dismissal Hearing.

The student will be informed and given the option to appear. A student who wishes to contest the dismissal must appear before the committee at the day and time of the hearing. Written notice via receipt email will be forwarded to the student by the Registrar at least ten working days prior to the scheduled SAPC meeting at which the dismissal question is to be addressed. The notice will include a summary of the student’s academic performance deficiencies, an indication of all relevant action(s) of the SAPC to date, and a description of the concerns causing the SAPC to consider dismissal from the CUNY School of Medicine.

The written notice will further state the date, time, and place of the SAPC meeting at which the dismissal question is to be addressed and will request that the student be present at the meeting. The student will be informed in writing of the right to select and be accompanied by a support person at that time. Legal representation is not permitted at SAPC meetings, and the meeting proceedings may not be recorded by the student or their support person. The written notification will include a statement that the student may, if desired; submit a written response to the academic performance deficiencies set out in the SAPC notice letter. Such response will be forwarded to the Office of Academic Records and the SAPC Chair at least three (3) working days in advance of the meeting.

Notification of Adverse Decisions by the SAPC: The student will be officially notified of all SAPC decisions via an email sent from the Registrar with an attached Academic Standing letter from the SAPC Chair. If the student is permitted to continue in the MD program, they will be advised of any additional requirements that the SAPC has imposed. If the SAPC dismisses the student, the Academic Standing letter will inform them of their right to appeal to the Dean of the School. CC’d on the Academic Standing letter will be the Associate Dean for Student Affairs, Deputy Dean of Medical Education or his/her designee, SAPC Chair via, Registrar, and when appropriate, Chair of the Professionalism and Ethics Committee.

The Notification of Adverse Decisions by the SAPC is the only official notification that is transmitted to the student in writing. The CUNY School of Medicine is not responsible for the failure of a student to receive this notification. A student who refuses to claim or accept an official notification of dismissal or denial of graduation loses the right to appeal the decision.